Art at the heart of your business

Linhas is specialized in creating, planning, organizing and executing projects that have culture as a basis. Our main goal is to build and deliver messages from unique solutions that can create synergies between the target audience and the performing brand.


Cinema, theater, shows, exhibitions. These are just a few of the artistic manifestations that our company can support and carry out to make your company get even closer of your target audience. The study of your brand and of the competitors, the analysis of trends and a lot of creativity are fundamental elements for a successful action.


Since 2005, Linhas Produções Culturais develops several projects around the world. Linhas has been holding the Brazilian Film Festival in Russia since 2008, in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It has also held festivals in China (Beijing), Italy (Rome), Astana and Almaty (Kazakhstan).


Linhas’ team works in all phases of the project: from the creation of the concept to scenography, management of suppliers, creation of materials (panels, videos, newsletters, digital communication) and PR.


Large events require a specialized and committed team. Linhas maintains a multidisciplinary team for exhibitions in Brazil and abroad, to work from the creation of the concept to the curation of the assembly, offering a unique and enriching experience for the public.

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